March For Our Lives and My World

Hi everyone,
It's been awhile. I haven't written on here, since November actually. I apologize for that, I have been so busy I haven't had time to write. In all honesty, I forgot I even had a blog. I wanted to share with you what I have been doing and what I'm going to be doing.

February was an eventful moth for many people, including the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. After this tragic event a ripple effect happened and soon schools across the nation took a stand against gun violence. Students walked out of classrooms. Students called out the government online. Students organized a march. Students have done what the adults of our nation should have. I have never been prouder to be a student. I have seen what we can do, and I’m telling you, we will make a difference.

I wrote a letter to my local newspaper the day after my school had a threat written on a wall in a boys restroom. I will add add a link to the Wattpad version so you can read it if you so wish. In this letter, I talked about how I don’t feel safe leaving my house every morning to show up to the place I go to learn. I also talked how Students are the future and how we will be the ones to fix what the adults couldn’t because we are the ones being affected by this. My local paper published my letter the following day.

As for what I’m going to be doing, myself and a group of students have been working with our school administration to hold a memorial walk for the 17 victims of the Parkland massacre. The only issue we have had is that they won’t give us a definite date for our safety. They don’t want to make us targets.

The school has done a lot in the past two weeks for our safety such as locking all the restrooms except for the two selected ones that would stay open. They also have taken away our privilege to sit in our commons area during study halls. We also have a greater police presence and they will be doing random searches. Has this made me feel safer? To a point yes but there is so much that could be done at a high level. That’s why this Saturday I am marching with hundreds of thousands of people in Washington D.C. and millions of people around the world. According to the March For Our Lives twitter, there is a march planned on every continent.

I can’t wait to make my voice heard. This is going to be a beautiful experience and an emotional one. I will be using this trip as a way to be out in the real world of journalism as well. I’m taking my school press pass and camera with me to photograph and tell the stories of the people marching. I hope to leave with some amazing stories to share with the world.
If you are doing a march in your area, please leave me an email with pictures and your story and it may be used for an article in  my high school newspaper.

I will be updating a lot more now that we are closer to the end of the school year. I will post lots of pictures of my trip after I get back.
