NaNoWriMo week 3 has been a challenge. I didn’t make a single word count goal and I feel like I’m going no where no matter how much I write. I expected this. I’m known for waiting till the last minute to do things.
My plot lacks luster but that’s okay. My plan is to add anything that pops into my head while writing and completely abandon my plot. Seems like a good idea right? Probably not but I’m desperate to get some words down on paper.
As for tips for week four I say just do you. You either will or won’t make the word count goal and that’s okay because as least you have something and that better than other people who have no words. Be sure to gets lots of sleep and eat a healthy diet. I have a bad habit of skipping sleep and meals when I get in the zone. My saving grace this week was Dole Fruitocracy applesauce pouches. I kept one of them in my bookbag and on my computer desk and if I got hungry I could just have one of them. They taste amazing. My last tip for the week is spend time with your family who you may have ignored while writing during the first three weeks.
I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy time with your family and loved ones. I’ll give one more NaNoWriMo update at the end of the week with my final word count and after thoughts from the month.
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