New Project and NaNoWriMo Update

Hello Loves,
It’s been a while. I know I haven’t done a personal update in quite some time. I know I posted my review for “First Burn,” I wrote that for my Journalism class and wanted to post it on my blog as well. I have some exciting updates that I want to share.

First off I’m working on a “Passion Project” for my English class. Part of this project will be a series of blog posts on the publishing process. I chose this topic for myself so that in the future I have information I need. While I continue to research the different types of publishing, I am also writing up these posts. They will be up on here by by the end of the month.

As for my own personal writing, I’ve been working on a series of short writings based off of some really fun writing prompts. They will be put up on my Wattpad account after they go through a series of proof reads by some of my peers.
I have a ton of fun planned for this summer writing wise and will update my blog often. I also plan to start a series of my favorite writing prompts for you to use with your own writing.
Now I want to update you on the progress of the story I started during NaNoWriMo. I’m still working on it and may need to scrap it entirely. While I love my idea and concept, it has become really hard to move forward. There is so much that needs changed due to plot holes. I regret not really planning out anything or making notes as I went. What little notes I do have don’t make much sense. I’m open to any tips and suggestions.

Also what do you want to see from my blog? Writing sources, prompts, my own personal work? I want to make this a community for writers and readers alike. So please email, or leave comments.
